This Acti9 Vigi C120 is a modular add-on residual current devices. It has 4P with 4 protected poles, rated current is 125A and operating voltage is 400VAC to 415VAC. The earth leakage protection class is AC type with a sensitivity of 30mA and a voltage independent technology. This product protects against short circuit, cable overload, electrical shock by indirect contact and fire hazards. This product is compliant with EN 61009 standard. Electrical endurance goes up to 20000 cycles. The Ue rated operational voltage is from 400VAC to 415VAC. The Ui rated insulation voltage is 500VAC. The Uimp rated impulse withstand voltage is 6kV. The pollution degree is 3. It can be mounted on 35 mm symmetrical DIN rail. The width in 9mm pitches is 10. The product color is white (RAL9003). The dimensions are (W) 198mm x (H) 95mm x (D) 73mm. The weight is 0.58kg. The degree of protection is IP20 and IP40 in an enclosure. The operating temperature is -5°C to 60°C. The storage temperature is -40°C to 60°C.

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Vigi C120 – earth leakage add-on block – 4P – 30 mA – class AC

12,202.72 جنيه مصري بدون الضريبة

SKU A9N18569 Category

This Acti9 Vigi C120 is a modular add-on residual current devices. It has 4P with 4 protected poles, rated current is 125A and operating voltage is 400VAC to 415VAC. The earth leakage protection class is AC type with a sensitivity of 30mA and a voltage independent technology. This product protects against short circuit, cable overload, electrical shock by indirect contact and fire hazards. This product is compliant with EN 61009 standard. Electrical endurance goes up to 20000 cycles. The Ue rated operational voltage is from 400VAC to 415VAC. The Ui rated insulation voltage is 500VAC. The Uimp rated impulse withstand voltage is 6kV. The pollution degree is 3. It can be mounted on 35 mm symmetrical DIN rail. The width in 9mm pitches is 10. The product color is white (RAL9003). The dimensions are (W) 198mm x (H) 95mm x (D) 73mm. The weight is 0.58kg. The degree of protection is IP20 and IP40 in an enclosure. The operating temperature is -5°C to 60°C. The storage temperature is -40°C to 60°C.

Business Unit

Product Family

Product Range

Vigi C120 – earth leakage add-on block – 4P – 30 mA – class ACVigi C120 – earth leakage add-on block – 4P – 30 mA – class AC
12,202.72 جنيه مصري بدون الضريبة
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